On Tue, 2010-05-25 at 05:17 -0400, Bob Goodwin wrote:
> I have two f12 computers, box9 will ping box6 but box6 to box9
> reports 100% loss. When we had Firestarter there was a log that
> usually indicated where the firewall was blocking data.
> It seems to me there should be a way to determine this without
> Firestarter? How do I do that?

Ordinarily, firewall denials aren't logged, else you'd be logging an
awful lot of data.  Data that's only of use to people who actually do
something with it.  If you want logging, you have to arrange it.  That
can be done without firestarter, but I've only set firewall rules by
running iptables commands in a script.  I don't use the GUI tools to set
complex firewall rules.

It's quite likely that you've simply firewalled off ping replies.  I've
not install Fedora 12 yet, but older releases had a basic firewall
configuration preference that you could select filtering of various ICMP
traffic.  You'll want to make sure that "echo" replies and requests
aren't blocked.

Don't firewall off ICMP traffic willy-nilly, you can break networking by
doing so.

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