On Thu, 2010-05-20 at 10:56 -0400, Jim wrote:
> On 05/20/2010 12:23 AM, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > On Wed, 2010-05-19 at 22:01 -0400, Jim wrote:
> >    
> >> I have the Pacific 10 Mini Series Videos 1 hr each, if I burn all 10 on
> >> a DL_DVD I can play each video on my Computer, but !  If I put the DVD
> >> in a CD/DVD Player to play videos on a TV will the player allow me to
> >> play each individual I hr. Video or how would I Burn them on a DVD to
> >> play on the CD-DVD Player ?
> >>
> >> They are *.avi videos
> >>      
> > Think about it: does your player work with .avi files? Most modern ones
> > do. If so, just create a "Data DVD" (e.g. using K3B) with the files on
> > it. If not, you're out of luck.
> >
> > poc
> >
> >    
> That is what I had in mine, but will a TV DVD player play each video 
> file, k3b will not let you burn a Video DVD with individual video files.

As I said before, you use K3B to create a *Data DVD*, not a video DVD.
If your player is modern enough, it will just read the (FAT) filesystem
and play the .avi files. I do it all the time, though nowadays I usually
just copy the .avi's to a pendrive since my player has a USB port. My
player is a couple of years old and only has USB 1.1 (the lower
bandwidth causes stuttering on some very complex images) but newer ones
should definitely be able to so this, plus many of them also
understand .mkv, .flv and other formats.

As Ed already said, you can of course also create a standard video DVD
with multiple titles using authoring software such as devede, but with
the caveat that you won't get so much onto each disc.


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