On 05/10/2010 12:03 PM, Alan Evans wrote:
> On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 8:54 AM, Fennix<cn.ste...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>> I made the directory My Book and tested before replying and it worked here.
>> You can also try cd /media/My* which also should work.
> I believe you. And like I said, it usually works for me. But sometimes
> bash gets in a mood and won't let me express a file name with spaces
> in it. It's very frustrating since it usually happens when I can't
> access the file any way but through a shell. (Like our company file
> server, which has many nodes with spaces in them due to the
> proliferation of Windows users.) I'd always assumed it had something
> to do with the Samba share, but this time is interesting because it's
> the first time I recall it happening exclusively on my local machine
> with no shares involved at all.
> By the way:
> [a...@agena ~]$ cd /media/My*
> bash: cd: /media/My: No such file or directory
> Thanks, anyway.
cd /media
ls -bl

and send us the results.

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