Am 21.04.2010 06:33, schrieb Kevin Fenzi:
> On Wed, 21 Apr 2010 11:46:33 +1000
> Dan Irwin<>  wrote:
>> The clamav packages in EPEL are quite broken, and don't work out of
>> the box. I think this has been the case for many months.
> Have you filed any bugs? Whats broken?

There are a couple of bugs:

Some also have security impact. Basically the problem is that it is extremly 
hard to provide the ABI/config stability for clamav. Combined with a few 
questionable decisions when it came to packaging + a not-so-active maintainer 
and we have a basically orphaned package in EPEL.

I've spoken to a few Fedora packagers who where interested in maintaining the 
package. However the premise for them was that they can also decide how the 
Fedora package should look like - and at that time the current maintainer had 
strong feelings about this topic...

If you could initiate a discussion on epel-devel, I can ping a few of the 
previously interested people...

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