On Sunday April 18 2010 22:18:18 Wolfgang S. Rupprecht wrote:
> Dj YB <yehi...@mail.ru> writes:
> > I am considering the best ways to save power while I am off the pc and
> > in general.  my question, is thee a difference in terms of powersaving
> > between manually shutting down the monitor (pushing the button) and
> > the screensaver monitor powering off.  moreover, is the graphic card
> > keep on working the same when the screensaver poweroff the monitor?
> The power on monitors I've tested is the same when using the
> front-pannel soft-off button or when the computer does a soft-off over
> the DVI or VGA connector.  Note, soft off on many monitors leaves some
> circuits powered, so the power draw is still a few watts (mine all seem
> to be around 5 watts).  Using the hardwired power supply off switch on
> the bottom or back of the monitor saves those extra 5 watts.
> The big difference I see between software blanking and explicitly
> pushing the button is that my mouse is sometimes between two position
> reports and is essentially on hair trigger.  Bumping the desk, or in
> some cases just walking into the room causes it to vibrate enough to
> unblank the monitor.  I therefore try to turn off the monitor anytime
> I'm leaving for a while.
> -wolfgang

is the blanking also power down the graphic card?
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