On 04/17/2010 04:17 AM, jdow wrote:
> <<jdow
> How many people get frustrated with SELinux and simply disable it?
> {o.o} 
It is hard to say. How many people get frustrated with iptables and
simply disable the firewall? It is the same type of fix.

I have seen some people on this list recommend it as the first step
in fixing just about any permission problem, even if a SELinux
problem is a low possibility for causing the problem. Then again,
some people also advocate routinely running as root as well.

I have had few problems with SELinux. They were usually caused by
mis-labeled files, and easily fixed. There is also a nice GUI that
will translate the cryptic SELinux error messages to something more
easily understood, and offers advice on how to fix the problem.


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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