> ------------------------------
> Message: 12

> Did you remove nspluginwrapper?

Yes, but firefox still doesn't run

> What about removing packages from fc10 and fc11?
> goffice04-0.4.3-5.fc11.i586
> libdhcp4client-4.0.0-37.fc10.i386
> libdvdcss-1.2.10-1.i386
> libvolume_id-141-7.fc11.i586
> Livna is also out of the picture because it was merged with
> others and
> became rpmfusion, so you can remove
> livna-release-1-1.noarch

I removed all the above except libdhcpclient (yum returned "no match found"). 
Still no firefox. I tried after removing each one and collectively.

> > I am not sure I mentioned it before, but I installed
> another, newer, version of firefox. It is a different
> version , from mozilla.org, that installs in my home
> directory instead of on the system. So far that works fine
> in parallel with the yum installed version (which still
> doesn't work).
> First notice. I don't think is a good idea to have
> applications
> installed both using official package and manually, but
> it's your
> system.

Ordinarily I don't do that. I stick to fedora and yum, unless that source 
doesn't work or what I want isn't available.. Usually multimedia stuff.

> > I have attached new versions of the output of
> package-cleanup --orphans and --leaves, just in case I
> changed anything.
> > I believe I have tried everything that has been
> suggested, with no success. I intend to putter with the
> package-cleanup files next.
> > ?I am putting this on the back burner now because:
> > 1. I have a working firefox.
> > 2 fc13 is coming soon and I need to do a complete
> re-install anyhow. I have been using preupgrade with great
> success since fc9 but things are getting messy. My system is
> a mess with 3 hard drives, grub boot record installed on
> /dev/sda and the grub files on sda8, but I run fc12 from
> /dev/sdc7. I have two versions of ubuntu, puppy, and another
> fc12 installed and keeping up to date is just too
> complicated.
> > I will post if I find the answer and I would still
> appreciate any help. Otherwise I consider this thread
> closed.
> Keep us posted!
Ok, Thanks again for the help.


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