On 02/04/10 18:43, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> On 04/02/2010 11:05 PM, Michael Miles wrote
>> then why don't you both get off your a**es and help the packagers
>> package and test the newer releases instead of just blowing off at
>> volunteers who are giving you something for free?
>> Maybe they are asking because they do not know how.
>> This kind of remark on a mailing list is not cool.
>> Not everybody is capable of being a Genius
> Why are you pouncing on me?  Which part of my remark did you find offensive?
> Rahul
i think his reply was meant for me rahul, notice that the first 
paragraph of him mail is my reply to the two complainants verbatim, and 
mea culpa for the language/post, it was a result of a long day dealing 
with extremely ungratefull people and i let off steam in the wrong 

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