On 04/05/2010 11:51 AM, Michael Miles wrote:
> On 04/05/2010 09:34 AM, Mikkel wrote:
>> On 04/05/2010 11:16 AM, Michael Miles wrote:
>>> I'm not too bad with firewalls but I am used to more detailed firewall
>>> software.
>>> I just came from the hell they call Win 7 and I was using Bitdefender
>>> for the last couple of years.
>>> I'm just using the firewall that comes with Fedora 12, is there better
>>> firewall software out there.
>> Not for the actual firewall, but there are different front-ends for
>> configuring it. You can pick the one that works best for you, or
>> write your own firewall rules by hand.
>> The actual firewall is part of the kernel. What the firewall
>> software does is help you configure that firewall. When I played
>> with Windows, the firewall was an add-on - kind of an afterthought.
>> I don't know if this is still true.
>> Mikkel
> It is all add on with windows
> I tell you my 4 core Phenom II 945 has more than doubled speed going 
> from Win 7 x64 to Fedora 12.
> These front ends for the firewall in Fedora. Is there one in particular 
> the you use
> Michael
I usually use system-config-firewall, as the needs on my desktop and
laptop are fairly simple. I do have 2 sets of rules for the laptop,
depending on weather I am home or traveling. When I am home, the
network is behind a hardware firewall as well. But your needs may
differ from mine.

On a side note, if you want to see the firewall rules set up by the
front end, take a look a /etc/sysconfing/iptables and ip6tables. You
can also run "iptables -L" to see the rules currently in affect. The
iptables command will also let you modify rules without going
through a GUI.


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