> > I have been using LXDE since the F-12 spin and it has been working
> > great. I have also been using midori which seems to also work fine,
> > but I got concerned recently when I got a message from some site
> > saying that my browser did not support 128- (or was it 256-)bit
> > strong encryption. Reading about it some more, it appears that midori
> > suffers from IMO a fatal flaw, namely that it does not tell the user
> > when security works and when it does not. See this bug report here:
> > 
> > http://www.twotoasts.de/bugs/index.php?do=details&task_id=743
> I don't think the error you saw and this bug are the same thing. 
> Can you locate the site again? 

Unfortunately, I don't recall the site: it was some password protected
site such as paypal. Though I seem to think it was not paypal.
> The bug is just saying that midori doesn't verify the cert, it just
> uses the encryption there and figures all is well. The error you got
> sounds like some broken site thats trying to tell you something about
> "strong encryption", and possibly broken user-agent handling WRT
> midori. 

Yes, that is very likely. However, firefox did appear to go through
without much problems.

Sorry I can not provide much light.

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