On Sun, 2010-03-14 at 14:00 -0400, Mail Lists wrote:
>   And if you want your music without interruptions (os or mail beeps)
> - I assume that is easily configurable?

Even on the old one-thing-at-a-time sound system, you couldn't really do
that.  e.g. You'd start playing music, and at some stage an instant
message would come in and try to ding.  It couldn't, though.  But, when
your music player finished playing the next track, the instant
messenger's ding would play (and often terribly).  BUT, then the music
player would fall silent, because it lost access to sound when it wanted
to start playing the next track, and never recovered.

Been there, done that.  The only way to stop one thing interrupting
another, is to turn off sound alerts in those other things, in the

To do that system-wide, rather than per application, you need something
that we don't have:  An option for some program to "not be interrupted"
much the same as we have options to "don't screen save while playing
media files" in some media players (though I've seen that option in one
or more players, I've never actually seen it work).

So when you're playing music or video clips, that playing program asks
everything else to *nicely* not interrupt.

[...@localhost ~]$ uname -r

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