Tim wrote:
> On Sat, 2010-03-13 at 18:11 -0500, Bill Davidsen wrote:
>> The issue may be that nfs4 doesn't seem to be working, mount.nfs4
>> gives a failure, so perhaps job one will be to find out why the export
>> isn't working.
> Are all the computers using the same OS?  Prior Fedora releases used a
> lesser (than 4) version of NFS by default, and would require manual
> configuration to use NFS4.  Other distros probably have the same issue.
Yes, and I can't seem to get nfs4 working on the server side. I have tried 
adding flags to the exportfs call but the ones in the manual seem to be 
rejected. This is a set of fully updated Fedora 9 boxes, and mount.nfs4 is 
present, but the options for export seem unsupported.

I can test using the /etc/exports file, but exporting things before doing the 
mount on them seems to have it's own issues, and the determination of what to 
mount for export is definitely done many seconds after boot. The NFS3 moutns 
work fine, but access is broken.

>> NFS is so insecure by nature that it would be nice not to fight
>> pseudo-security.
> Yes.  I'd use it in a network where you trust people not to exploit it,
> and can manage the configuration to connect the right user names with
> each other.  But where you can't trust users not to exploit it, or use
> it incorrectly, or your network is exposed to outsiders (unencrypted
> wireless, running as part of someone else's LAN, etc.), you'd want
> something better.
Network security isn't the issue here, it's all a matter of uid at the moment.

Bill Davidsen <david...@tmr.com>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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