
Package kit informs me I need to upgrade the following:
        nss-3.12.6-1.2.fc12 (i686)
        nss-3.12.6-1.2.fc12 (x86_64)
        nss-ysyinit-3.12.6-1.2.fc12 (x86_64)
        nss-tools-3.12.6-1.2.fc12 (x86_64)

When I start the upgrade I get the following warning:

"No transaction to process"


]# yum --skip-broken upgrade nss

Packages skipped because of dependency problems:
    nss-3.12.6-1.2.fc12.i686 from updates
    nss-3.12.6-1.2.fc12.x86_64 from updates
    nss-sysinit-3.12.6-1.2.fc12.x86_64 from updates
    nss-tools-3.12.6-1.2.fc12.x86_64 from updates

Do I just wait for repairs? Or, do I report this as a bug?

Regards Bill
Fedora 12, Gnome 2.28
Evo.2.28, Emacs 23.1.1

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