On 3/10/2010 10:43 PM, Chris Smart wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 4:26 PM, Patrick Bartek<bartek...@yahoo.com>  wrote:
>> What genius decided that?  Stupid.  Are you sure?  That little three-key 
>> combo has gotten me out of more than a few X-server lockups with Fedora due 
>> to misconfiguration by the installer.
> Upstream X.Org. I'm sure if you search it, you will find lots of
> discusions about it. You can always switch to a terminal and kill X
> manually (or just the process hanging), or you can re-enable it in an
> xorg.conf if you really want to.
> -c
Where can I find this to turn it back on? And what is the setting? I 
can't find an xorg.conf file anywhere on my system.

"Dingo" Dave Bartmess
Broomfield, CO. USA

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