--- On Tue, 3/9/10, Temlakos <temla...@gmail.com> wrote:

> [snip]   
> You might be interested to know: mplayerplug-in is now
> supposed to be gecko-mediaplayer.

Yes, I know.  If you're running the GNOME desktop, you'll get gnome-mplayer 
front-end as well as mplayer when you yum install mplayer.  If you use KDE, I 
assume you'll get the kmplayer front-end instead.

> I installed that, from the repositories, after removing all
> totem
> plug-ins and applets.

What does 'about:plugins' report in your browser?  What 'addons' do you have?  
Some sites like CBS.com won't play if you have an ad-blocker, but on my system, 
it tells me that.

> I still cannot play any videos on Foxnews.com--though I
> can
> play them on the NBC channels mentioned, and on any other
> channel.

At this moment, I'm at a loss as to a cause or a fix.  They both work on my 

Have you tried re-downloading (from Adobe) the flash-plugin--it could be 
corrupted--and reinstalling it?  Both Foxnews and NBC use plain-vanilla flash.

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