Ashley Sheridan wrote:

> On Tue, 2010-03-09 at 23:06 +0800, Edward. S. P. Leong wrote:
>>Ashley Sheridan wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2010-03-08 at 22:39 +0800, Edward. S. P. Leong wrote:
>>>>Ashley Sheridan wrote:
>>>>>On Mon, 2010-03-08 at 01:07 +0800, Edward. S. P. Leong wrote:
>>>>>>Dear All,
>>>>>>Which can we download pear ann install into fc 11 system ?
>>>>>>Thank for your help !
>>>>>I'm not sure I understand your question. Do you mean what Pear
>>>>>components can be installed on a Fedora 11 system? I'm running Fedora 11
>>>>>on my desktop and laptop at the moment, and both systems are running
>>>>>5.2.12, so any of the Pear modules that say they will run on that are
>>>>>fine. If you need to check to see what version of PHP is running, in a
>>>>>console or text login, type 'yum list php' and you'll get a line that
>>>>>reads something like:
>>>>>php.i586    5.2.12-1.fc11    @updates
>>>>Dear Ash,
>>>>1, My means is where can we download the pear and install it into the
>>>>fedora 11 system ?
>>>>Due to our web server :
>>>>[pear]# pwd
>>>>[pear]# dir
>>>>Archive data OS pearcmd.php peclcmd.php System.php XML
>>>>Console doc PEAR PEAR.php Structures test
>>>>So, it is not update ( pear ) ?
>>>>2, Would you mind to send me your php config ( php.ini ) and Web Server
>>>>config ( httpd.conf ) as sample ?
>>>>Due to our Web Server is problem :
>>>>After upload all of homepage data ( php format ) to Web Server, then
>>>>type "http://ip or domain_name" the result is blank page...
>>>>Thank for your help !
>>> If you're getting a blank page, the first port of call is your error
>>> log. At a console type:
>>> sudo tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log
>>> which should then continually update itself with a list of errors as
>>> and when they occur, which will be useful to you if you need to view
>>> the log while you're debugging. This file is only readable by the root
>>> user.
>>> My config files won't be that much help I don't think, as the setup of
>>> both our servers will be quite different.
>>> How did you try to install Pear on your Fedora 11 system? The package
>>> manager that comes with Fedora (I use KPackageKit on KDE) allows you
>>> install and remove Pear modules as you need.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ash
>>Dear Ash,
>>When I tried to install pear from the net into our server ( FC11 64Bit )
>>as the following cmd :
>>[root]# yum install pear
>>Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
>>Setting up Install Process
>>No package pear available.
>>Nothing to do
>>So, I ask for the solution here ( for help )...
>>Hope anyone or you can help me...
> By default yum matches the beginning of the package name. As there is
> no package called pear, it finds nothing.
> Instead, you can use:
> yum install php-pear*
> to install all the php-pear packages, or install them as you need by:
> yum install php-pear-subpackage
> Thanks,
> Ash
Dear Ash,

1, Thank for your technical support of the installation / update
2, If your is FC11 System, so, would you mind to send me ( ) your php.ini ( config ) for reference ?

Thanks !
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