2010/3/9 Rick Sewill <rsew...@gmail.com>:
> On Tue, 2010-03-09 at 00:49 +0300, Hiisi wrote:
>> Dear list!
>> I would like to be able to ssh to my home computer located behind my
>> ISP' NAT. I know, I can tunnel to it through some middle host and
>> actually I'm doing it at the moment. But I'm fancy is there a better
>> solution? Is there a possibility of not using any computer at the
> If it's a company gateway, we mustn't help you defeat their security.
> I don't want to discuss whether having a gateway adds to security.
> Personally, I believe all devices in the internal LAN must be secure.
> I do not believe security can be done solely at the border of a LAN.
> Do you control the device that is doing NAT for you or does the ISP?
> If controlled by the ISP, did the ISP provide a way to configure it?
> As others have said and will say, one needs to have the NAT device
> port forward the appropriate port (whatever port you use for ssh)
> to your host.

You and other, thank for your responses. Sorry I didn't make it clear.
I don't have any router. I'm connected to Internet via LAN. My IP
address is something like and I use ISP' router IP
( as a gateway (I don't have any access to the router).
So, I decided its called NAT. Am I wrong here? I don't know. I know
only that I can't reach my computer from the outside of the LAN. So, I
did the following: on the target computer I ran:
ssh -R 10002:localhost:22 u...@middle.host (it's a computer somewhere
and I have ssh access there)
Now I can connect to the target computer in a few steps:
1. connect to middle.host:
ssh u...@middle.host
2. and from there:
ssh hi...@home.computer -p 10002
See, it's not very convenient and I'm not sure whether it's possible
to use VNC using this setup (as I would like to).  So, is there any
better solution?
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