On 03/08/2010 01:35 AM, Patrick Bartek wrote: > --- On Sun, 3/7/10, Michael Hennebry<henne...@web.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu> wrote: > > >> Is there some trick to getting flash >> to work through firefox? >> When I click on a Chuck episode, >> the peacock shows up and wiggles its tail, but that is all >> that happens. >> Zoom in works. >> I've running FC 11. >> About tells me that I'm running Adobe Flash Player >> 10,0,45,2 . >> >> I can play flash on some sites. >> On others, I can download and use mplayer. >> On www.nbc.com, neither. >> > 32 or 64-bit F11/Flash? > > Doesn't work either with my 64-bit F12, 64-bit Flash 10.0 R45. Won't play > Chuck through www.fancast.com either, because it gets it from Hulu which has > problems with Linux 64-bit Flash though a browser, but not through its > Huludesktop app. However, 32-bit OS and/or 32-bit Flash might work. > > I just checked using VirtualBox running Puppy Linux (32-bit) with the default > SeaMonkey browser. NBC wouldn't work, but fancast did, even though the > display in Sea Monkey was shifted. I have yet to install Firefox. So, I > can't check it. > > B >
Has this anything to do with why videos won't play on foxnews.com when I browse them in Firefox? YouTube and other shared-service videos play fine, and so do the videos that I embed. But foxnews.com won't play at all. Do I need a plugin to get it to work? Or do those videos not play nice with flashplayer? Temlakos -- users mailing list users@lists.fedoraproject.org To unsubscribe or change subscription options: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/users Guidelines: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mailing_list_guidelines