First, I apologize for the OT question, but I figure this list is one of the 
best resources that may be able to answer this. I have attempted a Google 
search for this, of course. 

I am wondering if anyone knows any tool to generate a graphical representation 
of directory structure  as a tree. Directories would be a node, files would be 
leaves. I know about the command line "tree". It's similar, but not exactly 
what I need. It'd be nice to be able to rotate something like the output of 
"tree" command line 90 degree, so that the siblings are on the same horizontal 
level. Also, preferably the output is in SVG, so I can edit it using e.g. 
Inkscape. But if not, I guess other formal (i.e. PNG, PS) is a possibility 

I know about Graphviz. So if I can't find anything I guess I can try to do this 
myself and code up something. I just didn't want to do the work if something 
is already out there :) . If there are other tools similar to Graphviz (maybe 
something simpler), I'd like to hear about it too.

Any help ?

Thanks in advance.
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