On Mon, Mar 01, 2010 at 10:22:31 -0800,
  Mike Cloaked <mike.cloa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If one wanted to install a rawhide kernel in a running f12 machine I guess
> you could do something like
> yum --enablerepo development install kernel kernel-devel etc

I think at this point in time, you would also be committed to pulling in
updates related to graphics driver support (mesa, xorg-x11, libdrm).

> However there are now rpms in the development directories both for 13/ and
> for rawhide/ (and i386 and x86_64) - is there a way to install an f13
> (specifically), as opposed to rawhide, package in a system running f12?

There is a boot iso. I use yum to upgrade two systems just after the branch.
The F13 release package should point to the F13 repositories. The F14
release package should point to rawhide.
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