On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 11:27 PM, Craig White <craigwh...@azapple.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-02-26 at 21:55 -0500, Marcel Rieux wrote:
>> <http://marketshare.hitslink.com/report.aspx?qprid=8&qpcal=1&qpcal=1&qptimeframe=Y&qpsp=2010>
>> Now, you might find this doesn't correspond to the ravings of the
>> Linux counter guy.
>> You're right! It does correspond to my experience, though. Just a bit 
>> inflated.
>> Linux began 19 years ago, in 1991. And you're really satisfied with
>> what we're up to? No need to question all you have to learn in order
>> to do a decent back-up? We're gonna conquer the world next year?
>> Dummies should use Macs and Windows? We are the true ones cause we
>> know how to get pass hindrances... which should remain?
> ----
> If numbers were the criteria then McDonalds must have the best
> hamburgers because they surely sell more than anyone else.
> Do the numbers actually represent anything more than the insecurity of
> someone worried that perhaps he is using the wrong operating system.

I'm not the lesser bit concerned that I'm not using the best operating
system in the world. If the whole world eats Macs, it doesn't prevent
me from eating a good meal. If everybody uses Windows, I will have
problems getting streaming video.

This Mac comparison has spread for years to comfort know-nothing
geeks. (Cause, in their own way, geeks can be know-nothing too!)
Maybe it's time to stop this nonsense

> FTR, I have much more faith in the W3Schools figures which are
> considerably different than this 'hitslink' figures but it doesn't much
> concern me in either event.

W3Schools is for people who want to *learn* about... let's say,
operating a web site. And you don't believe it's normal to find more
Linux people on their servers?
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