On 02/24/2010 07:07 PM, Craig White wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-02-24 at 18:55 -0500, Kevin J. Cummings wrote:

>> AFAICT, SMB is no longer involved with my printing services.  XP can
>> access them directly, and I configure them as an "internet" printer via
>> a URL like:
>>      http://server:631/printers/printerName
>> ISTR that I had to create a special "raw" queue for them under CUPs so
>> that the Samsung Windows printer driver could talk to them directly
>> (without a postscript conversion).  So, while my Fedora computers talk
>> to the "lp" printer, Windows talk to the raw queues using the Samsung
>> Windows printer drivers.
>> Certainly, these raw queues do not appear to the Windows boxes when I
>> "browse" for them.  Another reason why I think that SMB is no longer
>> involved.
> ----
> you're correct - a 'raw' printer is NOT necessarily SMB (though you
> could choose to share a raw printer via samba)
> system-config-printing
> Make sure you have 2 printers... one for the Linux (leave untouched) and
> one for 'raw' printing. Set the 'make' as Generic and choose 'Raw'
> printer
> If port 631 is open, then other users should be able to print via your
> ip address or name (if you have host name or DNS resolution) port 631 as
> you indicated above with the printer name being whatever you set for the
> name in system-config-printing (suggest no spaces because those would
> likely have to be represented as %20 which is cumbersome at best)

Already configured as you suggest.  Like I said, this used to work....
until recently.  And I'd be surprised if its the CUPs config, because
this is F10 and F10 has been EOL for a while....

> Craig

Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (http://counter.li.org)
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