I am trying to get a handle on how to properly
assign DNS PTR records, given these conditions:

1) Single machine containing:
    a) DNS Server
    b) Sendmail Server

Forward zone contains:
$TTL 172800
@        IN SOA ns1.domain.com. admin.domain.com. (
                3818          ; serial
                3H            ; refresh
                15M           ; retry
                1W            ; expiry
                1D )          ; minimum
; ==========[Nameservers]=================
@               IN NS           ns1.domain.com.
; ==========[Mail Exchangers]=============
@               IN MX   10      mx1.domain.com.
; ==========[Machines]====================
ns1     IN A  
mx1     IN A  

Reverse zone contains:
$TTL 172800
@       IN SOA ns1.domain.com admin.domain.com (
        3818          ; serial
        3H            ; refresh
        15M           ; retry
        1W            ; expiry
        1D )          ; minimum
;============ Top-Level =================
@       IN NS           ns1.domain.com.
;============ PTRS ======================
1       IN PTR          ns1.domain.com.
1       IN PTR          mx1.domain.com.

The problem here is assigning the PTR, since
only ONE reverse IP address is allowed.  In
the above case, which will it be, ns1.domain.com
or mx1.domain.com?  Discovery led to the last
"scanned" entry, which is mx1.domain.com

Why is this a potential problem?
+ One that I can think of, is security verification
  such as some programs do a reverse IP check to reduce

How is this to be properly handled?
+ Separate out DNS and Sendmail services to it's
  own machine as hinted in "example.org"?

Is it possible/sensible to have DNS and Sendmail on
the same machine?


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