2010/2/23 Tim <ignored_mail...@yahoo.com.au>:
> On Sun, 2010-02-21 at 21:08 -0700, Linuxguy123 wrote:
> One of my peeves about auto-numbering is that it's two simplistic.  I
> can't recall a word processor that will let me write up numbered
> sections on a page, and let one (or more) of those sections be more than
> one paragraph in length.  Take a legal document, for instance, such as a
> contract, you're not just numbering paragraphs (which is all /it/ wants
> to let you do), you're numbering sections.  A section could have any
> number of paragraphs.  You're left with having to do it all manually,
> including changing all the margins.  Which gets quite painful when you
> don't have a copy and paste feature for the formatting alone (copy the
> formatting, don't copy/replace the text).
> --
> [...@localhost ~]$ uname -r
> Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored.  I
> read messages from the public lists.

You really should give lyx a try. It has a feature called 'safe new
line' when you press Ctrl-Enter and no new number appears. And when
you've finished with one multi-paragraph item of your list you press
Return and voilà - new item will appears! In the concepts of acronyms
it's called WYSIWYM - what you see is what you *mean*.

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