On 02/20/2010 03:31 AM, Tony Nelson wrote:
> On 10-02-19 15:50:36, Aioanei Rares wrote:
>> On 02/19/2010 10:34 PM, Sawrub wrote:
>>> On my Fedora 12 system, all of the 'debuginfo'
>>> [rawhide-debuginfo,fedora-debuginfo,updates-debuginfo,updates-
>>> testing-debuginfo] are disabled by default in the corresponding
>>> repo's under /etc/yum.repos.d/.  As debuginfo-install makes use
>>> of these for retrieving all the information for crash reporting,
>>> this should not work but still in present case ABRT can download
>>> the debuginfo packages. How is all this gettig possible.
> ABRT doesn't use the yum configuration nor does it install the
> debuginfo packages where yum would install them.
>>> Please guide if i'm missing any thing, thanks in advance.
>> yum --enablerepo<repository>
> True but irrelevant, as ABRT doesn't use a yum command line.
Then how does is it getting posible for ABRT to download the packeges, 
its makes use of YUM as i understand from the following lines copied 
from manual available for debuginfo-install [man debuginfo-install] used 
by ABRT for installing of debuginfo's.
        As debuginfo-install uses YUM libraries for retrieving all the 
        tion,  it relies on YUM configuration for its default values 
like which
        repositories to use. Consult YUM documentation for details:


Saurabh Sharma
Linux user number: 490644
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