On 02/17/2010 09:39 PM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> I copied my current / to the new partition with "cp -a".
> I then added a new stanza to grub.conf with root=UUID=<new UUID>,
> and made a similar change to fstab.
> To my surprise, when I re-booted I found it was with the old / ,
> and /etc/fstab had been re-written with the old UUID.
> (/boot/grub/grub.conf still had the new UUID, but this was ignored.)
> I looked at the initrd I was using,
> but I saw no mention of sdb (or sda) in this.
> I wonder should I edit /etc/mtab (which has the current / partition).
> And if I need to re-make initrd how do I do this?
You will probably find a reference to the old UUID instead of a
device. It should be using the UUID from the kernel command line,
but it does not sound like it is. Maybe it is time for a bug report?

As far as editing /etc/mtab, this will not do you any good, and may
cause you problems on shutdown. mtab is a list of mounted file
systems. It is not a complete list, as it does not show anything
mounted before / is remounted rw. Also, some things mount file
systems without putting an entry in mtab.


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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