John Poelstra wrote:
> Bill Davidsen said the following on 02/15/2010 12:47 PM Pacific Time:
>> John Poelstra wrote:
>>> Has anyone figured out a way to convert the files created by the free
>>> faxing services from (efx format) to another format like PDF or
>>> tiff?
>>> I'm also trying to run the Windows program provided by efax under wine
>>> on Fedora 12 (i686), but the windows installer doesn't finish.
>> Since I don't run that I can only ask, what is the file format (output of the
>> file command)? If they are jbig (standard fax format) you can use the jbig
>> toolkit or the jbig parts of the netpbm package.
> $ file 770036344.efx
> 770036344.efx: data
Seems "file" lacks the sig for jbig, if you are still interested you could try 
jbigtopnm from netpbm, or jbgtopbm from jbigkit. jbig is a standard bilevel 
color) compression, usually much smaller that anything else. It's used for fax, 
among other things.

Bill Davidsen <>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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