On 02/08/2010 01:05 AM, serge.ste...@fmsb.be wrote:
Error adding object 'dn: cn=celem2,ou=machines,dc=fmsb,dc=be'. The error sent by the server was 'Invalid syntax. description: value #0 invalid per syntax '. The object is: LDAPEntry: cn=celem2,ou=machines,dc=fmsb,dc=be; LDAPAttributeSet: LDAPAttribute {type='description', values=''} LDAPAttribute {type='objectclass', values='ieee802Device,person,top'} LDAPAttribute {type='macaddress', values='0013d3daff55'} LDAPAttribute {type='sn', values='SERVERS'} LDAPAttribute {type='cn', values='celem2'}.

When description value is set to '' 389 refused to insert the entry , tivoli don't refuse ? what can i do to relax the syntax ?
You can turn off syntax checking by setting nsslapd-schemacheck to "off" in the "cn=config" entry.

A " character is legal per the Directory String syntax (which is the syntax used for the description attribute). I expect that you may have an escaping issue.
Serge Sterck
Chef de service informatique adjoint
Tel : (02) 506.97.15
Email: serge.ste...@fmsb.be serge.ste...@gmail.com
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