--- On Thu, 2/4/10, r...@dwf.com <r...@dwf.com> wrote:

> I see a lot of comments about F12 and
> Nvidia video card, but no solution to
> the problem (if there is one, PLEASE point me at it, Ive
> just upgraded to F12)
> I have a hard time believing that the folks that produce
> Fedora Releases
> would actually release a version that does not support his
> very common
> video card, but that seems to have happened.
> So any help?
> Does the driver from Nvidia work, I havent checked there
> yet.

FWIW, I've had zero problems with F12's nouveau driver with my 256MB Norwood 
Micro GeForce 6600 PCI Express card and a 19" LG L1960TR Flatron.  On prior 
versions of Fedora, I've had to use the proprietary Nvidia driver--nv was a 
disaster from the beginning--from the livna or fusionfree repos to get full 
resolution and the display working correctly.

This card has no 3-D capabilites built-in, which is fine, since I have no need 
of it.  As I understand it, nouveau has problems driving 3-D type cards 
correctly.  Any "fix" will involve "fixing" nouveau.  Or as you've discovered, 
going to the proprietary Nvidia driver.

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