On Wed, 2010-02-03 at 21:59 +1030, Tim wrote:
> I'm semi-serious...  Have you ever tried to get something technical
> going for someone completely non-technically minded, who's never going
> to get it?  "Frustrating" is an understatement.

OK, yes - I can see that. I just wasn't including entirely non-technical
folk in my target audience for the app.

> It'd have to be a damn foolproof device to survive what fools would do
> to it.  Not just breaking, but misconfiguring it to the point where
> someone else has to spend ages un-stuffing it.

I appreciate what you're getting at here although I'm not convinced it's
a serious enough problem to justify doing nothing. There are already
compliance tools out there that are widely used by the elderly and
others who may struggle with a highly technological solution (pill
boxes, specialised alarm clocks etc.).

I am explicitly aiming this at users who are technical enough to own a
PDA, smartphone or other device that would run the software and who find
this a useful way to manage a busy life and a complex medication regime.

My interest here is entirely personal & selfish :) I have a busy life, a
Fedora box and an N900 and quite a few medicines that I need to take
regularly and make sure that I'm adhering to (it's not "work-related" -
I'll probably move to using my home addresses/hosting once things are

> I don't "worry" about it, but I feel sorry for technical support who
> have to deal with the silliest of things from the silliest of people,
> and have to explain quite complex things to someone over the phone who
> doesn't have a clue about what they're doing.

Support engineering is my day job so I know exactly what you mean. ;)

> One of the second best things about my move to Linux, was being able to
> tell my clueless Windows friends "I don't use Windows anymore," when
> they ask me about trying to deal with browser won't browse, how do I get
> rid of a virus, and so on, and so forth.  ;-)  Now, the conversation

I need to learn that. I spent 8 years without a Windows machine but
friends still seem to assume that I know how to fix their Windows
problems, work their Windows web authoring apps, etc! ;)

> lasts about 15 seconds, instead of 15 minutes.  I've spent well over an
> hour on the phone, before, hand holding through the most basic of fixups
> to things.

I've talked my mother through a full fs recovery from single-user mode
(including rooting the box with init=/bin/bash as she was struggling to
enter my 20-char root password properly :).

It's one of the reasons I love Linux - when things go bad like that I
can provide precise character-by-character instructions and know that as
long as I get accurate information on the results I can guide even a
novice through complex recovery steps.


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