On Mon, Feb 01, 2010 at 22:31:22 +0000,
  Marko Vojinovic <vvma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Suppose I am a newbie for computers, and I decided to buy the latest&greatest 
> in available hardware (btw, this can make sense if you don't want your 
> machine 
> to be obsolete by tomorrow).  So when I get to choose a graphics card for my 
> new shiny desktop machine, which of the two do you recommend to work better 
> in 
> Fedora?
> (1) ATI Radeon HD 5970, or
> (2) nVidia Quadro FX 5800

(3) Don't buy either if you are planning on using 3d graphics in Fedora right
(4) Buy a second inexpensive card for use in Fedora. Or reuse one of the many
cards you have sitting around after replacing your video card every year.
> You are basically listing hardware that is either inferior in performance or 
> is going to become obsolete in a year.

Obsolete? Not for Fedora. Maybe for playing the latest Windows based games
or doing some sort of commercial rendering.

> You are basically recommending that Fedora users buy inferior hardware, for 

And much cheaper hadrware. And possibly passively cooled hardware that is
quieter. (The 9200 was a really card for its time. It was inexpensive and
didn't need a separate fan.)
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