On 01/26/2010 06:09 PM, Marcel Rieux wrote:
> And, besides, as I already said, digital sound doesn't come out of the
> computer's output. So this has nothing to do with the S/PDIF wire.
If you have selected to use only the digital output, you are NOT
going to get sound out of the analog outputs on your computer. You
do know that you can not hook speakers directly to the digital
output, right?
The internal SPDIF wire is what carries the digital audio. In this
case, you need to carry the digital audio from the motherboard
digital out connector to the video card digital in connector. This
is then passed to the TV through the HDMI cable, along with the
digital video.

Depending on your motherboard, you may also have one or more
external SPDIF connectors. I have seen what looks like an RCA jack
for digital output on the back of a computer. I have also seen a
fiber-optical jack. I have one computer that has both digital in and
digital out RCA connectors on the back panel. I have yet to see
SPDIF requiring more then signal and ground. (Unless you also need
to power something with the same cable.) If your motherboard does
not have built-in sound, or you are not using it, then the sound
card will have some of the same connection, depending on the card.

The thing to keep in mind is that most of the audio you are going to
be working with is in digital format. It is converted to analog
output by the DAC in your sound card. It also has an ADC to convert
analog to digital. This is how you record from the mic or aux input.

Now, it you are trying to connect one end of your SPDIF cable to a 4
pin connector on your motherboard, then I am 95% sure you are trying
to use the wrong connector.


Registered Linux User #16148  (http://counter.li.org/)

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