Itamar Reis Peixoto <> writes:
> why you don't try postfix ?


> On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 7:05 PM,  <> wrote:
>> Im at a loss here.
>> I have 5 machines, 4 of them (should be) forwarding any mail generated by
>> scripts to the 5th.
>> Its not happening.

Does /var/log/messages or /var/log/maillog say anything unusual about
the failing machines.  Since you have your own mc files, might there be
some problem with the selinux contexts?  (eg. do a "restorecon -rv
/etc/path-to-sendmail-config" to fix.)

If all fails, postfix works well.  ;-) Sorry, couldn't resist.  

(Slave only configs are very easy to do there too.  I've used sendmail
far longer than postfix and I can say hacking postfix configs is far
less error-prone than sendmail configs.)

Wolfgang S. Rupprecht
If the airwaves belong to the public why does the public only get 3
non-overlapping WIFI channels?
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