David wrote:
> Actually, mailman 2 makes it straightforward for any list
> administrator to customise/improve the appearance of the info page
> of their list if they choose to.

Sure.  Though to be honest, I don't see it as a big problem.

(As far as packaging, I mostly meant that it's not something we should
be changing in our packages as it would be a decent deviation from
upstream, something user-visible too, unlike changes to the default
binary paths that are only visible to site-admins.)

Thanks for the templates though.  Removing the "visit subscriber list"
might help make the "To unsubscribe from users, get a password
reminder, or change your subscription options" text below it more
obvious.  I'm not sure if any of the other list admins use that or
not, but that view of the subscriber list isn't available via the main
admin pages.

In years past, I sent a patch¹ upstream to add such a link to the
default admin pages, but it wasn't picked up.  I know it's been
discussed on the mailman-users list a few times.

¹ http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-us...@python.org/msg24261.html

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