Do what thou wilt
shall  be the whole  of the Law.

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 11:51 AM,  <> wrote:
> At least grub.lst, as we had a kernel update yesterday....
> I am accessing my mail via SquirrelMail vai a borrowed Ubuntu USB boot
> drive (I will have to build and carry a FC12 USB boot now) so email is
> difficult compared to my Thunderbird setup....
> Last night during a yum update that included a new kernel, my system did a
> poweroff.  I am suspecting a CPU temp shutdown.  I am upset that such an
> event does not put me in suspend mode but that is a separate message.
> Anyway when I powered up I was at the grub> prompt, and I don't know what
> to do from there.
> This morning a colleague (I am at the IEEE 802.11/15 meeting in LA) lent
> me his Ubuntu boot USB drive so I could at least get on the session web
> site and such.  I was also able to see my /boot partition and observed
> that /boot/grub/grub.lst is ZERO bytes.

on my system, there is no grub.lst, but menu.lst,
( 11 bytes!) is a link to grub.conf . can you
show us your grub.conf?

> Thank you.
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