On 01/21/2010 07:42 AM, n2xssvv.g02gfr12930 wrote:
> On 01/20/2010 01:12 PM, n2xssvv.g02gfr12930 wrote:
>> On 01/20/2010 10:15 AM, n2xssvv.g02gfr12930 wrote:
>>> After upgrading from Fedora 11 to 12 I now receive the following SELinux
>>> alerts
>>> SELinux is preventing /sbin/setfiles "read" access on
>>> /var/spool/gdm/force-display-on-active-vt (deleted).
>>> SELinux is preventing /usr/libexec/polkit-1/polkitd "read" access on
>>> /root/.config/user-dirs.dirs.
>>> SELinux is preventing /usr/libexec/polkit-1/polkitd "getattr" access on
>>> /root/.config/user-dirs.dirs.
>>> I have tried reinstalling the kernel using ym directly to no avail
>>> Anybody out there with an idea or experience of solving this minor nuisance?
>>> Much appreciated
>>> JB
>> After using yum to find RPMs that affect users I reinstalled
>> xdg-user-dirs and that fixed the problem. Hopefully this will save
>> someone else the trouble.
>> JB
> Well the problem as reappeared and the previous solution does not appear
> to work. I suspect this may in part be due to subsequent updates that
> I've installed.
> So, I'm back to square one, anyone with any ideas?
> JB
Please send me the compresses output of 

ausearch -m avc -ts today

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