On Wed, 20 Jan 2010 07:15:23 -0600, Aaron wrote:

> I installed the libdrm-2.4.17-1.fc12.i686
> from koji on my desktop (F12) and all was fine.
> However, when I tried to do that on my lapt2.4.17-1.fc12.i686op things
> went wrong..
> 1. The yum update process demanded thhagt libdrm-devel  be installed.
> Which I did from koji.
> 2.. The machine would no longer boot into Gnome.
> To fix it I had to remove the  koji based lbdrm and libdrm-devel and
> install from fedora updates.
> I assume  this might have happened to someone else.

What are you trying to point out?

An old libdrm-devel package installed on your machine depends on the
old libdrm, so you needed to update both.

The same libdrm has been made a "stable" update already:

Please don't play with builds found in koji unless you know what you're
doing or unless a package maintainer asks you to try a specific build.

In this case it might have been more productive to give feedback on
libdrm while it was still in updates-testing.
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