On Tuesday 19 January 2010 00:20:52 Paul Allen Newell wrote:
> I tried out a couple of combinations and know that
> 1) the xrandr command does work

Good. :-)

> 2) switching video to DVI-I-0 shows the same "kvm lack-of-focus" problem
> which xrandr fixed

That's expected, the two outputs should be treated equivalently by the system. 
If a problem appears on one, it is natural to assume it will appear on the 
other as well. But it was a good idea to check, just to be sure.

> 3) after scanning web and etc/rc.d files, it seemed to me that I should
> have been able to put this xrandr command in rc.local and have it occur
> when the boot is finished ---  did not work (but, since I have to have
> the kvm pointed elsewhere to test, not certain if my test is valid)

Not sure, but I think that rc.local is executed before X is up. In that sense 
I'm not surprised that it doesn't work from rc.local.

Anyway, I suggest that you put the xrandr command in a shell script, and 
execute it using the Autostart feature of your DE (I know how to set it up in 
KDE, somebody else should know about Gnome, XFCE and others). Basically, 
create a file named "fixmymonitor.sh", put it in your ~/bin directory (create 
if you don't have one), make it executable (chmod a+x fixmymonitor.sh), and put 
the following inside (use a text editor):

#! /bin/bash
xrandr ... (fill this line with the actual command that works for you)

After you have created it, have your DE execute it automatically upon login. 
That is what I do basically (although for a different reason).

Someone else may have a better suggestion where to have the script executed 
(During GDM initialization? Somewhere in X? Elsewhere?).

If all else fails, you can always put the script in your favorite launcher or 
as an icon on the desktop, and click on it manually after you log in. :-) But 
I would recommend the autostart functionality of a DE, it is known to work.

HTH, :-)

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