On Sun, 2010-01-17 at 17:52 +0100, Michael Schwendt wrote: 
> On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 16:44:11 +0000 (UTC), BeartoothHOS wrote:
> > 
> >     It alerts me, and shows a bug unreported. I tell it to report. It 
> > churns through seventy downloads, or so it says. 
> > 
> >     When it thinks it's ready, I fill out its question as to what I 
> > was doing, and tell it to go.
> > 
> >     It gives me a box, labelled Report Done, but containing two error 
> > messages.
> > 
> >     One is called Bugzilla, with the rest in red, "Can't login. Check 
> > Edit->Plugins->Bugzilla and /etc/abrt/plugins/Bugzilla.conf. Ser"
> Weird.
> 1. Start ABRT (in "Applications > System Tools" menu).
> 2. Open "Edit > Plugins" menu dialog.
> 3. Scroll down to "Reporter plugins".
> 4. Click on the "Bugzilla … Reports bugs to bugzilla" entry.
> 5. Click "Configure plugin" button at the bottom of the dialog.
> 6. Enter your bugzilla login (email addr) and password.
> That's how to configure it for bugzilla.redhat.com

When the error pops up in a live abrt episode, there's a button in the
middle of the popup that allows you to put in your Bugzilla login info.
It took me a minute to realize that it was there and had to be clicked,

(Sorry, I'm not in a position to reproduce that and describe it any
better.  All my machines have the Bugzilla login configured.)


                Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu
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