The 60autofs.ldif schema that ships with Fedora Directory Server is plenty for Linux, and is working flawlessly for us there. ( seems to have a lot of superfluous work, but the auto.home and auto.master stuff helped a lot. Thank you.)
However, for serving up home directories to the Macs in our office, we're drawing a blank. We need two additional entries in the autofs schema: attributeTypes: ( NAME 'automountMapName' DESC 'automount Map Name' EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) attributeTypes: ( NAME 'automountKey' DESC 'Automount Key value' EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) All very tidy, and dropping them into the autofs schema file produces no screaming from a restart of the directory server...but they're still inaccessible. Thinking I needed to tweak automountMap and automount to make them usable (based on some documentation on various Mac sites) I tried this: objectClasses: ( NAME 'automount' DESC 'An entry in an automounter map' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( cn $ automountInformation ) MAY ( description $ automountKey ) X-ORIGIN 'draft-howard-rfc2307bis' ) objectClasses: ( NAME 'automountMap' DESC 'An group of related automount objects' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( ou ) MAY ( automountMapName ) X-ORIGIN 'draft-howard-rfc2307bis' ) The "MAY ( ... $ automountKey )" and "MAY ( automountMapName )" both were my additions - "MAY (description)" was already there. Again, the servers restarted cleanly, but the new attrbiuteTypes are not available. What am I missing? -- juniper -- 389 users mailing list