<div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">Timothy Murphy 
> Ed Greshko wrote:
>>> I've read lots of online postings about people
>>> who are apparently watching TV on their computers,
>>> but I haven't seen a concrete description of what to do.
>>> I'd love to see a posting from someone who has abandoned
>>> the traditional TV set in favour of the (Fedora) computer.
>> Kind of a broad question such that there are multiple answers....
> Thanks for your response.
> To clarify my query, I was not asking about TV cards in the computer.
>> Are you simply talking about watching ones local TV stations or cable
>> content on their system.  i.e. The system has a TV Tuner card connected
>> to either ant or cable?
>> Are you talking about something a bit more complex where they still have
>> the one system with the TV tuner card, but they are using something like
>> vlc and streaming the content either to their local lan or the internet?
>> Are you talking about people connecting with the likes of hulu.com or
>> www.justin.tv ?
> I looked at these (well, hulu.com seems restricted to the US),
> but they both seem to be offering videos on line, rather than TV.
>> Or maybe evening something like "Slingbox"...use to...but no longer will
>> work wine.
> I have actually tried Slingbox, but not with great success.
I have "HDhomerun" which handles clear QAM channels in HD just fine. 
Unfortunately I have a cable co who delivers local HD in clear, 70 channels in 
NTSC (analog) clear, and the rest in encoded digital. The HDhomerun seems not 
handle the NTSC channels, although I hoped it would. It does work well with vlc 
to watch and/or capture the programming it handles.

Bill Davidsen <david...@tmr.com>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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