Hi Sisindri, Thanks for your question.
This is not supported with the current KRaft implementation, and I don't believe there's any plans to support it in the future. You will need to migrate from a single ZK cluster to multiple KRaft quorums, as the final bridge release 3.9 does not support a chroot-equivalent. See another thread about this here: https://lists.apache.org/thread/hsnolbnl05vohj9tqcz4glb3hgkhh338 I hope this helps, Greg On Wed, Mar 5, 2025 at 11:32 PM Manabolu Sisindri <manabolus...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi Team, > > Can a Kafka Controller Cluster support multiple Kafka setups like ZooKeeper > does (with chroot paths)?" > > Existing setup: In existing setup we are using single zookeeper setup for > multiple kafka setups(8). one ZooKeeper cluster handling multiple Kafka > clusters using different paths (/kafka-cluster1, /kafka-cluster2, etc. > > Expected one: As we are planning to migrate kafka from zookeeper to kraft > so i would like to know do we have that possibility in kraft like single > kafka controller setup can support multiple kafka setups? > > Please help me with your insights on this.. > > -- > Regards, > Sisindri, >