Thank you very much, Haruki!

This really clarifies things for me. I just want to confirm one more point:
it seems that a majority quorum in Kafka doesn’t actually play a role in
leader election (it might make the cluster more reliable overall, but it’s
not directly tied to a quorum mechanism). Am I correct?

For example, I have a cluster with four brokers, where replication.factor=3
and min.insync.replicas=2. If the partition leader fails, leadership simply
transfers to another replica from isr-set. In practice, this doesn’t really
differ from having only three brokers (because the remaining two replicas
can’t form a classic “quorum” anyway). Is that right?

Also, is there a chance that replicas might end up continuously requesting
metadata from each other in a loop, potentially causing an
OutOfMemoryError? Have you encountered similar situations in large clusters?

Best regards,
Ilya Starchenko

On 6 Jan 2025 at 10:49:14, Haruki Okada <> wrote:

> Hi Ilya,
> Does it require some sort of majoritary quorum to decide whose offsets
> are valid
> No. Controller just elects a new leader from ISR (in current Kafka version,
> the leftmost ISR will be chosen though) without taking offsets into
> account.
> After an ISR becomes a new leader, other replicas truncate the offsets to
> the new leader's LEO so the log divergence doesn't happen.
> Also, producer's acks setting plays an important role here.
> As long as acks is set to all, produce requests don't return successful
> response until all ISRs replicate the message. So messages never lost for
> acks=all producers even when electing any leader without taking offset into
> account.
> 2025年1月6日(月) 6:41 Ilya Starchenko <>:
> Hello,
> I’m trying to understand how replication and leader election work in Kafka,
> and I have a couple of questions.
> I know that Kafka does not rely on a majority-quorum approach. Instead,
> there is an ISR set, which consists of replicas that the current leader
> considers sufficiently up-to-date (this is partially managed through
> The leader election algorithm itself (
> )
> is quite straightforward.
> As long as the leader has not “kicked out” a replica from the ISR due to
> excessive lag, that replica can become the new leader if the current leader
> failsa and control plane is aware of which replicas belong to the ISR.
> Here’s the scenario I’m confused about: Suppose the leader(Broker #1) dies
> before it can update the ISR to remove lagging replicas. Let’s say:
> - Broker #2 fully fetched the most recent messages from the leader,
> - Broker #3 is still lagging,
> - Broker #4 only pulled metadata.
> From the control plane’s perspective, since the leader did not remove them
> from the ISR, all these replicas appear up-to-date enough to take over as
> leader—even though they each have different states.
> I know Kafka has a Replication Reconciliation process, but I’m not entirely
> clear on how it determines the “source of truth” for offsets. Does it
> require some sort of majoritary quorum to decide whose offsets are valid
> (via offset metadata polling from other replicas)? Or does the replica with
> the most recent offsets (and a certain epoch) automatically become the new
> leader, forcing the others to reconcile by removing any records that don’t
> align with the new leader’s log—even if a “majority” of brokers have those
> records?
> I’d really appreciate any clarification on how this scenario is handled, as
> well as any relevant documentation or code references. Thanks!
> --
> ========================
> Okada Haruki
> ========================

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