
Thanks for your question.

It appears you're using the legacy consumer API, which was removed in 2.0.0
and is no longer supported.
I would strongly suggest building on top of the modern Java Consumer API at
this time.

The modern API exposes the deserialized headers via the
ConsumerRecord#headers method:

Hope this helps,

On Fri, Dec 27, 2024, 10:19 AM Chain Head <mrchainh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am struggling to get the key-value pair from the Produce Request API. I
> want to write it to a Buffer for further processing. I can't seem to get
> the `k` and `v` values whereas the `.keySize` and `.valueSize` are reported
> correctly. Please advise how to extract the key value pairs from the
> Produce request API payload.
> For better format, see https://pastebin.com/ZKad1ET6
>         MemoryRecords partitionRecords = (MemoryRecords)
> partitionData.records();
>         for (RecordBatch batch : partitionRecords.batches()) {
>           // Iterate through reords of a batch
>           Buffer batchBuffer = Buffer.buffer();
>           Iterator<org.apache.kafka.common.record.Record> it =
> batch.iterator();
>           while (it.hasNext()) {
>             org.apache.kafka.common.record.Record record = it.next();
>             String k = "";
>             String v = "";
>             for (Header header : record.headers()) {
>               v = new String(header.value());
>               // Some logic with k and v to write to a Buffer
>             }
>             if (record.hasKey()) {
>               ByteBuffer keyBuffer = record.key();
>               ByteBuffer valueBuffer = record.value();
>               if (record.hasValue()) {
>                 k = new String(keyBuffer.array(), keyBuffer.position(),
> record.keySize());
>                 v = new String(valueBuffer.array(), valueBuffer.position(),
> record.valueSize());
>                 // Some logic with k and v to write to a Buffer
>               } else {
>                 k = new String(keyBuffer.array(), keyBuffer.position(),
> record.keySize());
>                 // Some logic with k and v to write to a Buffer
>               }
>             } else {
>               // Empty buffer
>             }
>           }
>           }

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