*Hi Team,*

We are facing issue with kafka topic manager, when intermediate CA is
present. Please let us know how to resolve this issue.
Kafka:3.8.0 is being used.

*When we are trying to communicate between kafka and kafka-topic-mager we
are using internal and third party CA certificates. when we are trying to
connect using a certificate path with multiple CA's communication is
breaking between kafka and applications.*

*Example1: certificate is signed with CA - we didn't find any issue (No
intermediate CA) certificate chain : certificate -> internal CA
------------------------------------------------------SSL handshake
completed successfully with peerHost--------------------------------- Nov 5
15:59:49 localhost kafka[128794]: [2024-11-05 13:59:49,380] DEBUG Accepted
connection from / <> on
/ <> and assigned it to processor 1,
sendBufferSize [actual|requested]: [102400|102400] recvBufferSize
[actual|requested]: [102400|102400] (kafka.network.DataPlaneAcceptor) Nov 5
15:59:49 localhost kafka[128794]: [2024-11-05 13:59:49,380] DEBUG Processor
1 listening to new connection from /
<> (kafka.network.Processor) Nov 5 15:59:49
localhost kafka[128794]: [2024-11-05 13:59:49,401] DEBUG [SslTransportLayer
local=/ <> remote=/
<>], selector=sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@12a58e5e,
interestOps=1, readyOps=0] _SSL handshake completed successfully with
peerHost_ '' peerPort 37520 peerPrincipal
'CN=kafka-topic-manager-localhost' protocol 'TLSv1.3' cipherSuite
(org.apache.kafka.common.network.SslTransportLayer) Example2: certificate
is signed with internal CA signed by thirdparty CA - hadshek is failing
(With intermediate CA) certificate chain : certificate -> internal CA ->
thirdparty CA
NEED_UNWRAP channelId----------------------------------------- Nov 5
16:38:21 localhost kafka[1332937]: [2024-11-05 14:38:21,370] DEBUG
Processor 1 listening to new connection from /
<> (kafka.network.Processor) Nov 5 16:38:21
localhost kafka[1332937]: [2024-11-05 14:38:21,370] DEBUG Accepted
connection from / <> on
/ <> and assigned it to processor
1, sendBufferSize [actual|requested]: [102400|102400] recvBufferSize
[actual|requested]: [102400|102400] (kafka.network.DataPlaneAcceptor) Nov 5
16:38:21 localhost kafka[1332937]: [2024-11-05 14:38:21,370] TRACE
[SslTransportLayer channelId=
local=/ <>
remote=/ <>],
selector=sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@39027b65, interestOps=1, readyOps=0]
SSLHandshake NEED_UNWRAP channelId,
appReadBuffer pos 0, netReadBuffer pos 0, netWriteBuffer pos 0

*Thanks & Regards,Sravani*

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