On Sat, Nov 30, 2024 at 10:02 AM Rybalka, Grigoriy (Fortebank)
<gryba...@fortebank.com.invalid> wrote:

> And this logs appears on remaining 2 brokers nodes, it seems that kafka
> brokers is lost connection between nodes, but ssh and other traffic to/from
> nodes was worked! And on the network side there is no problems, What else
> could have caused the loss of connection with all brokers? Kafka itself
> worked, we didn't reboot it and the problem solved itself
> there is no high load on brokers on CPU,RAM,I/O but the first broker have
> LA twice bigger that other 2 nodes ( first broker is not a KRaft leader! )
> but i don't see any problems related to kafka/kraft in the logs, only
> connections issues

Could it be that you hit the max open file descriptors limit (esp. given
your relatively high number of client connections)?


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