We recommend (and also provide as a managed service) the open source schema registry Karapace, https://www.karapace.io/ Looking at the docs here https://github.com/Aiven-Open/karapace it looks like it can be installed with Docker or a “Source install” which may work for you?
Regards, Paul Brebner, Netapp Instaclustr Tech Evangelist From: wojtekodrobin...@wp.pl <wojtekodrobin...@wp.pl> Date: Thursday, 28 November 2024 at 8:58 am To: users <users@kafka.apache.org> Subject: Schema Registry on bare metal [You don't often get email from wojtekodrobin...@wp.pl. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentification ] EXTERNAL EMAIL - USE CAUTION when clicking links or attachments Hello! I have kafka installed on bare metal. I would also like to install schema registry. Unfortunately, the documentation and many sources only describe installation on Docker or kuebrnetes cluster. Is there a way to install schema registry on bare metal? Thanks!