From: Oleksandr Shulgin <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2024 4:51 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Spread primary and replica of a partition across 
different zones in AWS

On Wed, Nov 20, 2024 at 9: 15 AM Soham Chakraborty <dec. soham@ gmail. com> 
wrote: > > So my goal is to know whether there is any knob by which I can force 
the > leader and replica to go to different AZs and is there any automated

On Wed, Nov 20, 2024 at 9:15 AM Soham Chakraborty <>



>  So my goal is to know whether there is any knob by which I can force the

> leader and replica to go to different AZs and is there any automated

> way/tool to handle this for existing partitions. In other words, I want the

> leader and replica to be distributed across different AZs now and in

> future.


Maybe a bit heavy-weight for a one-time task, but Cruise Control from

LinkedIn does have rack-aware distribution goals that you can use to

"rebalance" your existing replicas:;!!Eq8rgdkfa9r_yJvCTg!0P-vwDVqOlsjME-3iu-cys_UOrB0C2milxcsGjx-f1QCCcw5gXj-RiEyf9r1CW8SlgAtpBoVTsSxaGeMsVtGAmooUZhePMKO$<;!!Eq8rgdkfa9r_yJvCTg!0P-vwDVqOlsjME-3iu-cys_UOrB0C2milxcsGjx-f1QCCcw5gXj-RiEyf9r1CW8SlgAtpBoVTsSxaGeMsVtGAmooUZhePMKO$>

Otherwise you can use kafka-reassign-partitions script to achieve the same

result as a one-off task.




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