Hey Kafka fam, What’s the correct way to set task-level overrides to producer settings in a Kafka Connect task? For example, with MirrorMaker2, I’d expect the following “producer.override.*” based configs to work based on the documentation, but in in reality this does not change any of the producer behavior and the default 1MB “max.request.size” is still used:
https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/3.9.0/docs/connect.html#L60 { "producer.override.max.request.size": "26214400", "producer.override.batch.size": "524288", "producer.override.buffer.memory": "524288000", "producer.override.receive.buffer.bytes": "33554432", "producer.override.send.buffer.bytes": "33554432", "producer.override.compression.type": "gzip", "name": "mm2-cpc", "connector.class": "org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.MirrorCheckpointConnector", "clusters": "msksource,mskdest", "source.cluster.alias": "msksource", "target.cluster.alias": "mskdest", "target.cluster.bootstrap.servers": "{TARGET CLUSTER BROKERS ADDRESS}", "source.cluster.bootstrap.servers": "{SOURCE CLUSTER BROKERS ADDRESS}", "tasks.max": "1", … I know I can set this in the Kafka Connect worker properties file to apply to all connectors, but can’t seem to override at the task level. Thanks in advance, Mazrim