Hi Team, I am currently struggling with below behavior. Does anybody notice something similar in the past or can help me with it? In my scenario I am currently running a three Kafka brokers (1, 2, 3) cluster in Zookeeper mode. I am using confluent community edition 7.7.1.
On broker 1 I have three log.dirs. On broker 2 I have two log.dirs. On broker 3 I have one log.dirs. With kafka-reassign-partitions.sh I would like to move all data from dir2 to dir1 on broker 2. My prepared topic-json file is prepared correctly, I am not doing a new replica distribution, just changing the log dirs. When doing this either one or two brokers are spamming the log with: “INFO [ReplicaFetcher replicaId=1, LeaderId=2, fetcherId=1] Reset fetch offset for partition test.partition-0 from 0 to the current local replica’s end offset 0 (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread) INFO [ReplicaFetcher replicaId=1, LeaderId=2, fetcherId=1] current offset 0 for partition test.partition-0 is out of range, which typically implies a leader change. Reset fetch offset to 0 (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread)” As said I don’t do a leader change neither any partition reassignments. I already cleared all log.dirs and tried again. Metrics show the error: “OFFSET_OUT_OF_RANGE” All data from log dirs are moving correctly. I can fix this by just restarting any broker from the cluster. As soon as the broker goes down everything is fine again. Replication factor is ‘3’ on all partitions. ISR is ‘3’ before and after the change. This is reproduceable anytime. Thanks for any replies. BR, Julian ________________________________ Ultra Tendency International GmbH - Amtsgericht Stendal: HRB 26409 - Geschäftsführer/CEO: Dr. Robert Neumann August-Bebel-Str. 46, 39326 Colbitz, Germany - https://ultratendency.com - i...@ultratendency.com